In 1980 - 1991 Manuel Nunez Yanowsky is an architect-entrepreneur in Paris, France.

He is heading the team of architects and urban-planners in Paris and working on the projects and realizations of the city ensembles, public buildings and residences in France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, USSR.  Transferring the French new technologies in sphere of precast reinforced concrete of the new generation and creates the joint ventures (together with France) in the USSR and South Korea.  The most famous realizations and projects of this period are:

- residential and public complex "Place Picasso" in Paris, France – grand ensemble realized in precast colored reinforced concrete;

- general plan of the administrative center of Brazzaville, Congo;

- new city center of Saint Quentin, France – public and residential and business center of the city, integrating the existing buildings;

- University for administration "ESADE" in Barcelona, Spain – a unique geometry in precast colored reinforced concrete;

- police station, Paris, France – realized with in-situ colored reinforced concrete with unique sculptural decoration;

- theatre complex "Theatre Lliure" in Barcelona, Spain – reconstruction and new construction in the historical environment, in-situ and precast colored reinforced concrete;

- "Wasserplatz" - project-laureate of the competition for reconstruction of the port of Hamburg, Germany – organization of the access to the river for the residential district Alton;

- residential district "New Sebastopol", Omega Bay, Sebastopol, USSR – a district for 20 000 dwellers and social housing, realized in precast colored reinforced concrete on French technology;

- and others / View the List of Projects.